朝日新聞のwebマガジンで僕が現代美術家の目線からニューヨークの魅力を紹介する連載「On the New York City!」の第4回です。
Page: https://www.asahi.com/and_M/20190418/1646131/
My new article is carry on the Asahi Shimbun &M(Japanese news paper’s web magazine.) It article's concept is introduce to New York City. In this time, I will introduce to art, architecture, my friends in Guimaraes(Portugal) from view point of Contemporary Artist. (It almost Japanese sorry.) as a extra version.Thank you.
Special thanks: kudochi-san, ooida-san, always thank you shomomoto-san, sunaga-san, & edit crew, Ricardo, Rodrigo, Maria, Pedro, Jorge, Marta, Buruno, Andore, UNCANNY, Otus-biru, nocnoc, ccvf, caaa, CIAJG, all my friends in guimaraese & Braga.