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終了Multi-Cultural Team Building: ACTION LEARNING


  • 日程
    2014年10月26日 ~ 2014年11月16日

  • 時間

  • 会場
    中央区銀座5-8-13 銀座ファイブスタービル 4F

『Multi-Cultural Team Building: ACTION LEARNING』

内容: 多文化チームの育成:アクションラーニング


≪場所≫インド料理レストラン「Annam (アナム)」
東京都中央区銀座5-8-13 銀座ファイブスタービル 4F
≪日時≫2014年10月26日(日) 15:00~17:30
≪費用≫2500円 / 1ドリンク、スナック付き
ワークショップの進行役はPaul Consalvi(ポール・コンサルヴィ)氏。
プロフィール http://www.tokyobusinessenglish.com/paul-consalvi.html

≪申込≫ otoiawase@kuchikomi.com
タイトルに「ACTION LEARNING Workshops」とご記入ください。
・Meet Up から参加も可能

This Months Theme:

A Comparative Study of Communication Styles among Japanese, Americans, and Chinese:

Toward an Understanding of Inter cultural Friction

Discuss Business Issues in English:

2 Hours of Interactive Learning then relax and enjoy stimulating conversation with Tokyo`s Ambitious Crowd.

Multi-Cultural Team Building Series

In this series, our objective is to introduce the most relevant business theories, models and frameworks in order to:

1- Gain insights into the potential of diversity to increase a team's effectiveness.

2- Identify the factors in our cross-cultural interactions and communication that can either facilitate or hinder the effectiveness of their team.

3- Consider strategies to work in multicultural teams in order to optimize team results.

Read this Important Background information before coming!


According to research done by Carol Kovach of UCLA:

Cross-Cultural Teams are almost NEVER average. Diversity increases creativity and decreases 'groupthink' BUT Poor Communication often leads to failure

On August 24, 2014 we considered the 5 Dysfunctions of Teams as described by Patrick Lencioni and then considered using the High Inquiry and High Advocacy Framework as a strategy to improve a team's chances of becoming a successful team.

The following figure shows the relative productivity of a series of 800 four- to six-member teams as observed by Dr. Carol Kovach at UCLA.

This figure from "Working across cultures" by Martin J. Gannon provides some important insights:

- Teams comprised of all members from a single culture tend to be of average effectiveness.

- There is a wide disparity in the effectiveness of multicultural teams: multicultural teams have the potential to be the most effective teams in organizations, but they also can be the least effective. This is the paradox of multicultural team effectiveness.


『Improve Inter-Personal Skills: Self Awareness and Communication Skills』
内容: 対人技能を向上させる:自己意識とコミュニケーションスキル


≪場所≫インド料理レストラン「Annam (アナム)」
東京都中央区銀座5-8-13 銀座ファイブスタービル 4F
≪日時≫2014年11月9日(日) 15:00~17:30
≪費用≫2500円 / 1ドリンク、スナック付き
ワークショップの進行役はPaul Consalvi(ポール・コンサルヴィ)氏。
プロフィール http://www.tokyobusinessenglish.com/paul-consalvi.html

≪申込≫ otoiawase@kuchikomi.com
タイトルに「ACTION LEARNING Workshops」とご記入ください。
・Meet Up から参加も可能

This Month's Topic:

Learn how to DIE


Brief 10”-video that challenges common concepts of Cross-Cultural -Adaptation, -Negotiation and our ability to draw out
the Values behind others’ actions. -Participant analyze the process and assess strategies used and plan how they will
overcome the issues. Participants are introduced to the process called DIE (Describe - Interpret - Evaluate) This process is highly effective and yet counter-intuitive. We so often Evaluate what we see first and then we Interpret that, including our assumption, as our natural process. So this method requires



『Analyze your Industry and development a Biz Model: Entrepreneur & Business Plans』

内容: あなたの産業や開発ビズモデルを分析する:起業家&ビジネスプラン

≪場所≫インド料理レストラン「Annam (アナム)」
東京都中央区銀座5-8-13 銀座ファイブスタービル 4F
≪日時≫2014年11月16日(日) 15:00~
≪費用≫2500円 / 1ドリンク、スナック付き
ワークショップの進行役はPaul Consalvi(ポール・コンサルヴィ)氏。
プロフィール http://www.tokyobusinessenglish.com/paul-consalvi.html

≪申込≫ otoiawase@kuchikomi.com
タイトルに「ACTION LEARNING Workshops」とご記入ください。
・Meet Up から参加も可能


『Mini MBA: Put Ideas from the World's Best Business Schools into ACTION for Japan』


≪場所≫インド料理レストラン「Annam (アナム)」
東京都中央区銀座5-8-13 銀座ファイブスタービル 4F
≪日時≫2014年11月2日(日) 15:00~
≪費用≫2500円 / 1ドリンク、スナック付き
ワークショップの進行役はPaul Consalvi(ポール・コンサルヴィ)氏。
プロフィール http://www.tokyobusinessenglish.com/paul-consalvi.html

≪申込≫ otoiawase@kuchikomi.com
タイトルに「ACTION LEARNING Workshops」とご記入ください。
・Meet Up から参加も可能

HBR-Mini MBA Action Learning Series

What are the latest global trends and management issues which affect JAPAN!!!

Join us each month as we ACTION LEARN the most relevant ideas from HBR and other great institution. Using summary articles and free videos available on the web we will tackle the tough issues facing Japan. Each workshop is dedicated to introducing the most relevant ideas, concepts, methods, tools available for free on the web in order to practice High Inquiry and High Advocacy.

In order to full participate you will need to spend about 20-30 before the workshop to read an article or watch a video.

This Month's ACTION LEARNING Workshop:

Globalization and Globaloney & The CAGE Distance Framework

How globalized is the world?

How can we better understand the cross-country differences that underlie observed levels of globalization?

How to use the CAGE distance framework, where “CAGE” is an acronym for Cultural, Administrative (institutional and political), Geographic and Economic distances among countries.

The Financial Crisis of 2008 has forced Japan to reexamine its beliefs about markets and globalization.

Does Japan further integrate in Global Markets or is it better for Japan to pull back from "Globalization" in order to deal with its problems on a smaller, more manageable scale?

Why do so many global strategies fail-despite companies' powerful brands and other border-crossing advantages? Seduced by market size, the illusion of a borderless, "flat" world, and the allure of similarities, firms launch one-size-fits-all strategies.?

Pankaj Ghemawat in Redefining Global Strategy explains that cross-border differences are larger than we often assume. Most economic activity - including direct investment, tourism, and communication - happens locally, not internationally.

CAGE analysis asks you to compare a possible target market to a company’s home market on the dimensions of culture, administration, geography, and economy.

CAGE analysis yields insights in the key differences between home and target markets and allows companies to assess the desirability of that market.

CAGE analysis can help you identify institutional voids, which might otherwise frustrate internationalization efforts. Institutional differences are important to the extent that the absence of specialized intermediaries can raise transaction costs just as their presence can reduce them.

If you have time please find more reading and a video!



ビジネス / 英語 / ワークショップ

