日程2012年12月12日 ~ 2012年12月24日
ピーター・ブレイク 、福井篤、ジャスパー・ジョーンズ、草間彌生、リチャード・ハミルトン、ダミアン・ハースト、廣瀬智央、川島秀明、デヴィッド・リンチ、三宅信太郎、村上隆、奈良美智、落合多武、岡本太郎、オノ・ヨーコ、ゲルハルト・リヒター、マーク・ライデン、菅木志雄 、デヴィッド・シュリグリー、杉戸洋、田中敦子、テリー・ウィンタース、リウ・イエ 他
A series of works which, having literally started from “printing” and developed into various forms including “print works” which have begun to possess their own autonomous form, limited edition prints and photographs created under the strict control of the artists, three-dimensional "edition works", and "multiple works" which share the qualities of mass production in order to penetrate into society. These works do not simply stand as one-of-a-kind artworks which possess originality, but rather began with the artists' wish to share the value of art with a greater number of people, and gain acknowledgment of the inherent beauty of the work through its wider dissemination. Today we are also able to enjoy a wider variety of expressive forms as a result of a collaboration between the ideas and techniques of artists and craftsmen. There are things that you will realize for the first time in having this art work close at hand, so please visit the galley and view this series of high-quality work rich in variation which can be enjoyed in daily life.
Presenting works by:
Peter Blake, Atsushi Fukui, Jasper Johns, Yayoi Kusama, Richard Hamilton, Damien Hirst, Satoshi Hirose, Hideaki Kawashima, David Lynch, Shintaro Miyake, Takashi Murakami, Yoshitomo Nara, Tam Ochiai, Taro Okamoto, Yoko Ono, Gerhard Richter, Mark Ryden, Kishio Suga, David Shrigley, Hiroshi Sugito, Atsuko Tanaka, Terry Winters, Liu Ye, etc.
詳 細 http://www.hikarie8.com/cube/2012/11/post-8.shtml
会 期 2012年12月12日 - 2012年12月24日
時 間 11:00 - 20:00
場 所 CUBE 1, 2, 3
料 金 入場料無料 Admission Free
主 催 小山登美夫ギャラリー Directed by Tomio Koyama Galelry