
伊藤の映像予告編 3 「The Peanuts and Square」 このエントリーを含むはてなブックマーク 

予告編その3 は「The Peanuts and Square」(ピーナッツと四角)です。




The Peanuts and Square (2020/trailer)

In this movie, square is symbol of suppression concept. Audiences want to see more hidden paint when Live paint is hidden in this square. This is a visual effect. It is sometime hide to live paint situations. Audience want to see much more than unhide time.
In this movie, there are some screens that are closed up. The number of times is important, not to mention the content, and it is created based on the musical effect. For example, in playing improvised music, the same effect can be obtained by equalizing the same sound twice and moving up the live paint close-up twice. Editing is done from the structural part that the motivation of the person's heart rises when the same thing happens twice.
Peanuts is a lot of meaning(include radical positive energy from USA.).
Chihiro is paint a lot of peanuts painting in this movie, but sometime square hide to his painting performance for audience.

This movie is also a documentary movie about working progress performance of Chihiro ITO’s first New York solo exhibition in Haco gallery August 2019.

Chihiro thought working progress of arts are sometime much more interesting than complete art works.
This is third short film about work in progress painting documentary project of his painting.

Painting: Chihiro ITO
(Chihiro ITO Solo Exhibition "Line To Me" Augiust 3-31, 2019)
Direction, Camera, Edit: Chihiro ITO
Place: Haco Gallery (New York, USA)

Special Thanks: Haco Gallery, Yoko Suetsugu, Kyozo Kawabe, Kanako Nakamura, Aquvii, Mica Scalin, You

©Chihiro ITO 2020

HP: https://chihiroito.tumblr.com/movies


伊藤知宏(Chihiro Ito)


伊藤知宏(Chihiro Ito)



